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Launched in May 2023, the Feminist Therapy Network (FTN) intends to create an inclusive and supportive community for therapeutic practitioners with an interest in feminist therapies, at any stage of their training and practice. 


The FTN recognises that the personal is still political. We are committed to raising awareness of the unethical, hegemonic and oppressive aspects of therapeutic practice, resisting adaptive therapeutic approaches that privatise pain and accommodate people to their oppression and suffering. We are critical of the neo-liberal subservience of mainstream psychotherapies and seek to utilise feminist methodologies that engage an alternative and liberatory therapeutic thinking and praxis that is concerned with collective – as well as individual - experiences.


In the early stages of the FTN's development, we are beginning with the following aims: ​


  • to adhere to, promote and celebrate, a feminism that is intersectional and trans-inclusive

  • to provide workshops and training on radical feminist psychotherapeutic herstories and contemporary theory and praxis

  • to develop and create resource lists to support feminist learnings

  • to create consciousness-raising spaces for therapeutic practitioners 

  • to support therapeutic practitioners bridge the personal with the political within their therapeutic work 

  • to provide ongoing public critique of the impact and effects of privatisation and commodification upon therapeutic practices ​

  • to develop a collective feminist ethics and build solidarity networks amongst therapeutic practitioners ​

  • to build a collective of feminist therapeutic practitioners offering affordable therapy within their local communities 


We wish to thank Necessity for generously providing the FTN with starter funding to begin the actualisation of this feminist work. 

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